
Monday, 7 August 2017

3D printing

 Our class have been doing 3D printing in our class today I am doing a fidget spinner.


  1. Hi Keria I liked how you created a fidget spinner do you like
    learning about 3D? blog you later

  2. hey brock
    thank you for commenting on my fidget spinner
    and yes i love 3d printing

    see you later more like blog you later

  3. Kia ora Keira,
    It's Kayci here from Te Waka Ako at Waikowhai Primary School. I love the way you presented your fabulous work on the 3-d printer. What I love about your post is that you have made a fidget spinner using shapes and sizes. I think next time you could add more to your reflection so we know what you did and why did this happen. I have a few questions that you can answer for me please:

    What site did you use to create your fidget spinner?
    Did you use a real 3-d printer?
    Why did you choose to create a fidget spinner?
    Was it easy or hard to create?
    What did you experience during the process?

    Thank you Keira for sharing your Awesome work with me. I suggest that you can visit my blog at and have a look at some of my learning that I have been doing. Thank you once again and keep up the AWESOME! work.
    Blog u later!!!

    1. Kia ora Kayci

      Thank you so much for your questions. I am working towards writing more when I reflect.

      So the answer to your Questions.
      I used tinkercad to Create my design.
      yes I used a real 3d printer.
      It was easy to make that's why I wanted to make a figit spinner.
      The experience was fun because of the different shapes and colors. It was my first time using a 3d printer and I liked watching it in real life.

      Blog ya later.

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